Ditransitive Verb


What are Ditransitive Verbs?

Ditransitive verbs are verbsOpens in new window that can take two objectsOpens in new window. The first object is called the indirect objectOpens in new window because it is indirectly affected by the verb. The second object is called the direct objectOpens in new window.

For example:
  • I gave her a present.

In this example, the verb gave has two objects, namely:her (indirect object) and a present (direct object).

Common examples of ditransitive verbs include:

These verbs can be used in passive voice. These are the only type of verbs that can have an object in passive voice.

Survey the following examples:

  • She wrote me a letter.
  • They keep us guessing.
  • This is causing us to worry.
Important Hint!  

Note that several reporting verbs are also ditransitive; but the verbs deny, wish, write, and read are not ditransitive when they are reporting verbs followed by a noun clause, but are ditransitive when followed by a direct object.

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  • References
    • Advanced Grammar: For Academic Writing Ditransitive Action Verbs (pg 34) By Richard Stevenson.

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