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Examples of Declarative and Interrogative Sentences

A sentenceOpens in new window can be classified according to its purpose.

A DECLARATIVE SENTENCE is a sentence that makes a statement. As its name implies, it provides information by declaring something. All statements in English end with a period.

For example:

  • The Statue of Liberty is located in New York.

An INTERROGATIVE SENTENCE is a sentence that asks a question. All questions in English end with a question mark.

For example:

  • Where is the Statue of Liberty located?

In English, INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES can be classified into three types:

  1. yes-or-no questions,
  2. wh- questions, and
  3. tag questions.


A yes-or-no questionOpens in new window is used when you expect an answer with either a “yes” or “no.”

Question: Did you eat pizza last night?
Answer: Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.

In English a declarative sentence can be changed to a yes-no question in one of two ways:

  1. by changing the word order of the declarative sentence, from subject + verb to verb + subject.
Liam is home.Is Liam home?
NOTE: Liam → subject. Is → verb
  1. by adding do, does, or did before the subject and changing the verb to the dictionary form of the main verb.
They hike together. Do they hike together?
Liam likes soccer. Does Liam like soccer?
Xochitl went to India.Did Xochitl go to India?


The second group of questions are questions formed with an interrogative word (who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, why, how). Wh-questions are treated hereOpens in new window in more depth.


A declarative sentence can be changed to a question by adding a short phrase, sometimes called a Tag, at the end of the statement. As with yes-or-no questions, you expect a “yes” or “no” answer.

Question:You ate pizza last night, didn’t you?
Answer: Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.

In English a different tag is used depending on whether the declarative sentence is affirmative or negative.

Affirmative declarative sentence → negative tag

  • Liam plays soccer, doesn’t he?
  • Maxwell and Angelina are Americans, aren’t they?

In these sentences, plays and are affirmative. doesn’t he? and aren’t they? are negative.

Negative declarative sentence → affirmative tag

  • This isn’t an Indian song, is it?
  • Angelina didn’t go to New York, did she?

Here, the words isn’t and didn’t go are negative. And the words is it? and did she? are affirmative.

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  • References
    • English Grammar for Students of Chinese What Are Declarative And Interrogative Sentences? (Pg 64) By Matthew B. Christensen.

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